So during a short conversation with Dr. Gamal he informed me I had a bodyguard. It turns out when I registered my passport with the police department, to extend my visa, they took note. The police now have a guard posted at one the two gates. Dr. Gamal told me that he thought this was ridiculous and wouldn’t let the police man onto the grounds. He said he was posted there more to show off than to actually protect me. I think having my own guard is ridiculous; the only time I have feared for my safety was from a police man, now I’m stuck with one.
Tim is sick and feeling lazy so I followed suit, this worked out great for me. The day was not a complete waste; Tim taught me how to do the phosphorus test. To do this test we made a solution, I have the formula here but it’s kind of boring. The next step would be to put the samples in the spectrometer to obtain a measurement. Tim told me that we will actually perform this test on pond samples in a few days.
1 comment:
whoever took those pictures must be totally awesome.
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