Today was wonderful; we had almost nothing to do. I woke up late and headed over to the office to see what we were supposed to do. After I found Tim sitting around and he told me what the days plan was, I joined him on the computers. After a few hours we went around to the other offices to check up with all the other scientists. I talked to Dr. Gamal about how I was going to get back to Cairo and the airport.
In the afternoon I needed to go into town to get some food, we were totally out. For the third time I invited Tim to come with me into town. Tim has always refused to come with me because he thought he wasn’t supposed to leave the compound. After explaining to him that I can only buy however much food I can carry, he volunteered to come. After ignoring the stupid warnings of my useless bodyguard Tim and I walked into town. Eventually we got a tuk-tuk taxi to take us the rest of the way into town. We got all kinds of fruit, bread, and chips - junk food. After showing Tim around town we headed back on a different tuk-tuk.
I was thrilled to find that Tim had all kinds of movies saved on his laptop, MOVIE NIGHT!! He copied all the movies I wanted to my computer so when I head home soon, I will have some entertainment. But I was nice to watch the movie Stop-Loss, a nice change of pace. It is a movie that points out many of the things I hate about the military but is also an excellent movie.
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