Thursday, June 5, 2008

Relax Relapse

Day 14 June 4 – Relax Relapse

Today I woke up the glorious news that Obama won the Democratic nomination….Hooah! :) Today was much like yesterday, no big operation for the day. As I played solitaire and Dr. Ishmail played Snood (great time wasting game) he asked me if I could send him a certain type of tiny worm from the us.
The way it works now at the farm is they have to buy baby shrimp, called brine shrimp to feed the tiny fry. These are expensive and Dr. Ishmail is always trying to cut costs. To get around this he wants to grow these little worms on the side of the ponds so each day he can just feed the fry (baby fish) with these worms. The worms would be much cheaper to grow than it is to buy the brine shrimp.
Using these worms is a common practice in the US (so says Dr. Ishmail) but Egyptian laws are hampering him. It is much harder to get these worms because other species of the same type of worm are toxic. So the whole group of them are controlled, but not in the US. He has tried to bring them back from the US before but was thwarted, once someone sent the wrong type, another time his daughter forgot to add water to the vial. So he asked me to try and send him some Fed Ex when I get home, which I am more than happy to do. I can’t tell you how much he has taught me and how wonderful of a host he has been.
I also came to understand another aspect of fish farming in Egypt today, crappy infrastructure. I didn’t realize this for a while but the power has been out for the last 24 hours. Now you are thinking “Patrick, how could you not notice there is no power?” well that is because the power goes out so often that Dr. Ishmail bought a generator to cover when the power is out. This is vital because in the small tanks if the fish are not given new water and given oxygen, they will die in a matter of hours. Well at around 8PM the generator failed, his backup broke. Dr. Ishmail was obviously very concerned. He had to call a mechanic and electrician at 8:30 PM to come and fix it ASAP. Fortunately it was a minor problem, corrected in a matter or minutes. But it could have been catastrophic.
Dr. Ishmail’s son Mohammad was in Alexandria till the afternoon trying (successfully) to get his son accepted to an American school in Egypt. Now I always thought that America was not known for its good education system?!? Sorry Mr. Kukla, Dr. Schulter, and Mr. Sierra you teachers are the exception….well not you Mr. Sierra ;) But then again I guess they are better than Egyptian schools, and he learns English!

The farm im staying at has a tennis court, basket ball court, squash court, and a soccer field...ive decided to stay here another week :)

I am horrified at the prospect of my stand up fan dying during a power outage, It is the only thing keeping me from being drenched in sweat in bed. It also keeps the mosquitos at bay.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guy,

Another very interesting blog entry. Hope you are actually doing a little more work than it sounds like in your report.


Anonymous said...

Catching up on the blog today--very impressive entries and discussions on the "XX"-rated fish : o I think I'm learning a lot about fish farming too without even having to get fish guts and mud all over everything. Glad you enjoyed "Riding With the Blue Moth". I figured you would. It was funny to see some of the similarities between his route and yours even though they were pretty far apart. Stay cool.

Anonymous said...

garynamsHi Patrick,
Very interesting posts. You are better than the travel channel. About the worms... Just to remind you that there may be a good reason they do not want the worms imported. Remember Buffelgrass imported to our desert from Africa to help the cattle ranching. It has threatened the Sonoran Desert ecosystems by overtaking the native plants. It is also fire prone and burns so hot it sterilizes the land so nothing can grow. You know me, always presenting the 'other' side.
Your Favorite Monitor,

Anonymous said...

Very good blog, Patrick!
I agree with your dad - get to work!
M High