Friday, April 25, 2008

Fish farm Resume

Patrick M. Fitzsimmons 8200 East Camino Herradura Tucson AZ, 85750

(520) 603-3310



To receive approval for two summer semester of four credit independent study to expand my knowledge of environmental science, and more specifically, freshwater agriculture. I propose to work on an Egyptian Tilapia farm for nine weeks during the summer of 2008.


  • Sabino High School Graduate 2007

  • University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

  1. Freshmen

  2. College Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.769

  3. Reserve Officer Training Corps – Army

  4. Focus on Environmental Science

  • Relevant Classes Currently Enrolled In

  1. PTYS195A001 Planetary Sciences

  2. UNVR195A004 Careers In Environmental Science

  3. ECOL183 002 Marine Biology

  4. NATS101 027 Introduction to Environmental Science

Relevant Experiences

  • Background in Marine Biology and Fisheries Science

  • Have visited many fish farms around the world

  • Worked at Desert Springs Tilapia, Hyder, Arizona


  • Fish Farming Skills

  1. Clean and prepare fish

  2. Can correctly sex fish

  3. Properly feed thousands of fish based on population and size

  4. Separate fish by size and age

  5. Retrieve eggs and babies from brood stock

  6. Proficient with cast net

  7. Skilled with seine Net

  8. Can drive tractor

  9. Proficient using digital balance

  10. Understand importance of aeration and circulation

  • Computer Skills

  1. Very fast computer learner

  2. Expert in – Windows 98 and Xp, Word, PowerPoint, Email, and Data Backup

  3. Proficient in – Windows Vista, Excel, MAC Operating Systems

8200 East Camino Herradura

Tucson, Arizona 85750


Wednesday April 21th, 2008

Dr. Katrina Mangin
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721

Dear Professor Mangin:

My name is Patrick Fitzsimmons and I am a Freshman here at the University of Arizona. I am writing to ask you to be my mentor for an independent study I would like to undertake this summer. I wish to apply the knowledge and skills I have learned here at the U of A to better myself and the world around me. This independent study would also greatly further my education by granting me the real world experience and understanding of how many of the theories and technologies I have learned about are implemented. This experience would challenge and improve my understanding of freshwater agricultural techniques which is my goal.

I propose to work on an Egyptian Tilapia farm for nine weeks over the summer of 2008. I have already received enthusiastic approval from Hussein Elghobashy and Dr. Ahmed Said, two of the men I will work with. At the farm I hope to learn not only how the fish farm works, but also the environmentally sustainable practices the farm employs. I also wish to expand my list of aquaculture skills by learning from the experienced fish farmers and environmental scientists.

I would like to receive approval for two summer semesters of four credits of independent study. Of course I will not be accepting payment for my time and work on the farm. I will compose essays explaining what I learned, the technologies used, and the theories I saw implemented. Another important part of the independent study will be to list the things that I did not understand and conduct research upon my return to better understand those aspects of fish farming in an arid climate.

While in Egypt I will represent the University of Arizona and the United States as best I can. Through hard work and my thoughtful commitment to excellence I will do justice to those who have gotten me to this point. Thank you for you time Professor Mangin, I hope to be able to work with you in the future.


Patrick Fitzsimmons

Where the Farm Is

So the farm I will be working at is about 40 miles north east of Cairo. Here is a map of Egypt you can see the Suez Canal, The Red Sea, The Mediterranean, and the Sinai. As you can see the farm is located at the edge of the Nile river delta. This means the water the farm uses comes directly from the Nile. Because of this fact I am probably gonna get pretty sick, oh well.

Here is a picture of the actual farm. Many of the big shiny things you see are fields being watered, the smaller ones are fish ponds. The weather for the time I am gonna be there is supposed to be mid 90s with 70-80% humidity, fun? I will probably be living in one of those little houses. FYI those long fields are almost 1000ft long.