Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Day 11 June 1 – 8.55 PM – Adviser

I left Mohamed’s beautiful home this morning and left with Dr. Ishmail as he went to another farm. We traveled an hour to a farm which grows not only fish but many other crops like Mangos, citrus, and peaches. Dr. Ishmail is an adviser for the aquaculture side of the farm.
Today was a harvest so Dr. Ishmail thought he should be there and keep an eye on things. It was a harvest almost exactly like the once at Ca-Fa-Shey except for one important factor. Dr. Ishmail experiments often to improve and perfect his methods. In the harvest at Ca-Fa-Shey the fish were pushed up hill towards to water inlet pipe, unlike usual where the fish are drawn from the deep end. Dr. Ishmail tried this because he was hoping that by running water past the fish during harvest would keep them cleaner. It worked wonderfully! This new method had not been implemented at this farm yet.
We then headed to Dr. Ishmail’s other house, a farm house. There he grows mangos, oranges, peaches, and apricots. He is not trying to turn a large profit from the farm, it is more of a hobby. It was an amazing place and both I and Dr. Ishmail enjoyed a relaxing afternoon.

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